1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
package org.xwiki.test.selenium; |
21 |
22 |
import org.junit.Test; |
23 |
import org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework.AbstractXWikiTestCase; |
24 |
25 |
import static org.junit.Assert.*; |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
@version |
31 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (183) |
Complexity: 30 |
Complexity Density: 0.19 |
32 |
public class UsersGroupsRightsManagementTest extends AbstractXWikiTestCase |
33 |
{ |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (15) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.07 |
42 |
1 |
@Test... |
43 |
public void testCreateAndDeleteGroup() |
44 |
{ |
45 |
46 |
1 |
deleteGroup("XWikiNewGroup", true); |
47 |
1 |
createGroup("XWikiNewGroup"); |
48 |
49 |
50 |
1 |
assertEquals("Group XWikiNewGroup which is empty print more than 0 members", 0, |
51 |
getGroupMembersCount("XWikiNewGroup")); |
52 |
53 |
54 |
1 |
openGlobalRightsPage(); |
55 |
1 |
clickGroupsRadioButton(); |
56 |
1 |
clickViewRightsCheckbox("XWikiNewGroup", "allow"); |
57 |
58 |
59 |
1 |
createPage("Test", "TestCreateAndDeleteGroup", "whatever"); |
60 |
1 |
clickEditPageAccessRights(); |
61 |
1 |
clickGroupsRadioButton(); |
62 |
1 |
clickCommentRightsCheckbox("XWikiNewGroup", "allow"); |
63 |
64 |
65 |
1 |
deleteGroup("XWikiNewGroup", false); |
66 |
67 |
68 |
1 |
open("XWiki", "XWikiPreferences", "edit", "editor=object"); |
69 |
1 |
assertTextNotPresent("XWikiNewGroup"); |
70 |
1 |
open("Test", "TestCreateAndDeleteGroup", "edit", "editor=object"); |
71 |
1 |
assertTextNotPresent("XWikiNewGroup"); |
72 |
} |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (9) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.11 |
77 |
1 |
@Test... |
78 |
public void testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists() |
79 |
{ |
80 |
1 |
open("XWiki", "testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists", "edit", "editor=wiki"); |
81 |
1 |
clickEditSaveAndView(); |
82 |
1 |
openGroupsPage(); |
83 |
1 |
clickLinkWithText("Add new group", false); |
84 |
1 |
waitForLightbox("Create new group".toUpperCase()); |
85 |
1 |
setFieldValue("newgroupi", "testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists"); |
86 |
1 |
getSelenium().click("//input[@value='Create group']"); |
87 |
88 |
89 |
1 |
waitForAlert(); |
90 |
1 |
assertEquals("testCreateGroupWhenGroupAlreadyExists cannot be used for the " |
91 |
+ "group name, as another page with this name already exists.", getSelenium().getAlert()); |
92 |
} |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (9) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.11 |
101 |
1 |
@Test... |
102 |
public void testCreateAndDeleteUser() |
103 |
{ |
104 |
105 |
1 |
deleteUser("XWikiNewUser", true); |
106 |
1 |
createUser("XWikiNewUser", "XWikiNewUser"); |
107 |
108 |
109 |
1 |
open("XWiki", "XWikiAllGroup"); |
110 |
1 |
waitForGroupUsersLiveTable(); |
111 |
1 |
assertTextPresent("XWiki.XWikiNewUser"); |
112 |
113 |
114 |
1 |
deleteUser("XWikiNewUser", false); |
115 |
116 |
117 |
1 |
open("XWiki", "XWikiAllGroup"); |
118 |
1 |
waitForGroupUsersLiveTable(); |
119 |
1 |
assertTextNotPresent("XWiki.XWikiNewUser"); |
120 |
} |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (5) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.2 |
125 |
1 |
@Test... |
126 |
public void testCreateNonAsciiUser() |
127 |
{ |
128 |
129 |
1 |
deleteUser("AccentUser", true); |
130 |
131 |
132 |
1 |
createUser("AccentUser", "AccentUser", "a\u00e9b", "c\u00e0d"); |
133 |
134 |
135 |
1 |
assertTextPresent("AccentUser"); |
136 |
137 |
1 |
assertTextPresent("a\u00e9b"); |
138 |
1 |
assertTextPresent("c\u00e0d"); |
139 |
} |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (20) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.05 |
145 |
1 |
@Test... |
146 |
public void testGroupRights() |
147 |
{ |
148 |
1 |
String username = "TestUser"; |
149 |
150 |
1 |
String groupname = "Test Group"; |
151 |
152 |
153 |
1 |
deleteUser(username, true); |
154 |
1 |
deleteGroup(groupname, true); |
155 |
156 |
157 |
1 |
createUser(username, username); |
158 |
1 |
createGroup(groupname); |
159 |
1 |
addUserToGroup(username, groupname); |
160 |
1 |
createPage("Test", "TestGroupRights", "Some content"); |
161 |
162 |
163 |
1 |
open("Test", "TestGroupRights", "edit", "editor=rights"); |
164 |
1 |
clickGroupsRadioButton(); |
165 |
166 |
1 |
clickViewRightsCheckbox(groupname, "allow"); |
167 |
1 |
clickViewRightsCheckbox(groupname, "deny1"); |
168 |
169 |
170 |
1 |
open("Test", "TestGroupRights"); |
171 |
1 |
assertTextPresent("Some content"); |
172 |
173 |
174 |
1 |
login(username, username, false); |
175 |
1 |
open("Test", "TestGroupRights"); |
176 |
1 |
assertTextPresent("not allowed"); |
177 |
178 |
179 |
1 |
loginAsAdmin(); |
180 |
1 |
deleteUser(username, false); |
181 |
1 |
deleteGroup(groupname, false); |
182 |
} |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (21) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.05 |
188 |
1 |
@Test... |
189 |
public void testAddGroupToGroup() |
190 |
{ |
191 |
1 |
String group = "GroupWithGroup"; |
192 |
1 |
createGroup(group); |
193 |
1 |
openGroupsPage(); |
194 |
1 |
String xpath = "//tbody/tr[td/a='" + group + "']/td[3]/img[@title='Edit']"; |
195 |
1 |
System.out.println("XPATH: " + xpath); |
196 |
1 |
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + xpath + "\")"); |
197 |
1 |
getSelenium().click("//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + group + "\"]/td[3]/img[@title=\"Edit\"]"); |
198 |
1 |
waitForLightbox("SUBGROUPS TO ADD"); |
199 |
1 |
setFieldValue("groupInput", "XWiki.XWikiAllGroup"); |
200 |
1 |
clickLinkWithLocator("addMembers", false); |
201 |
1 |
String xpathPrefix = "//div[@id='lb-content']/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr"; |
202 |
1 |
String adminGroupXPath = |
203 |
xpathPrefix + "/td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAllGroup']"; |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
1 |
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + adminGroupXPath + "\")"); |
208 |
209 |
1 |
assertElementNotPresent(xpathPrefix + "/td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Admin']"); |
210 |
1 |
clickLinkWithLocator("lb-close"); |
211 |
212 |
213 |
1 |
clickLinkWithText(group); |
214 |
1 |
clickEditPageInlineForm(); |
215 |
1 |
setFieldValue("groupInput", "XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup"); |
216 |
1 |
clickLinkWithLocator("addMembers", false); |
217 |
1 |
waitForTextContains("id=groupusers", "XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup"); |
218 |
219 |
220 |
1 |
deleteGroup(group, false); |
221 |
} |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (4) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.25 |
226 |
1 |
@Test... |
227 |
public void testAddUserToGroup() |
228 |
{ |
229 |
230 |
1 |
deleteUser("XWikiTestUser", true); |
231 |
1 |
createUser("XWikiTestUser", "XWikiTestUser"); |
232 |
233 |
1 |
addUserToGroup("XWikiTestUser", "XWikiAdminGroup"); |
234 |
235 |
1 |
deleteUser("XWikiTestUser", true); |
236 |
} |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (10) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.1 |
241 |
1 |
@Test... |
242 |
public void testFilteringOnGroupSheet() |
243 |
{ |
244 |
1 |
openGroupsPage(); |
245 |
1 |
String rowXPath = "//td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Admin']"; |
246 |
1 |
this.clickLinkWithText("XWikiAdminGroup"); |
247 |
1 |
this.waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + rowXPath + "\")"); |
248 |
249 |
1 |
this.getSelenium().focus("member"); |
250 |
1 |
this.getSelenium().typeKeys("member", "zzz"); |
251 |
1 |
this.waitForCondition("!selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + rowXPath + "\")"); |
252 |
253 |
1 |
this.getSelenium().focus("member"); |
254 |
255 |
1 |
this.getSelenium().typeKeys("member", "\b\b\bAd"); |
256 |
1 |
this.waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + rowXPath + "\")"); |
257 |
} |
258 |
259 |
260 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (6) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.17 |
261 |
3 |
private void createGroup(String groupname)... |
262 |
{ |
263 |
3 |
openGroupsPage(); |
264 |
3 |
clickLinkWithText("Add new group", false); |
265 |
3 |
waitForLightbox("Create new group".toUpperCase()); |
266 |
3 |
setFieldValue("newgroupi", groupname); |
267 |
3 |
clickLinkWithXPath("//input[@value='Create group']", true); |
268 |
3 |
waitForTextContains("id=groupstable", groupname); |
269 |
} |
270 |
271 |
272 |
@param |
273 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (9) |
Complexity: 4 |
Complexity Density: 0.57 |
274 |
5 |
private void deleteGroup(String groupname, boolean deleteOnlyIfExists)... |
275 |
{ |
276 |
5 |
if (!deleteOnlyIfExists || (deleteOnlyIfExists && isExistingPage("XWiki", groupname))) { |
277 |
3 |
openGroupsPage(); |
278 |
3 |
getSelenium().chooseOkOnNextConfirmation(); |
279 |
3 |
clickLinkWithLocator("//tbody/tr[td/a='" + groupname + "']//img[@title='Delete']", false); |
280 |
3 |
waitForConfirmation(); |
281 |
3 |
assertEquals("The group XWiki." + groupname + " will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?", |
282 |
getSelenium().getConfirmation()); |
283 |
284 |
3 |
waitForCondition("!selenium.isElementPresent('//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + groupname + "\"]')"); |
285 |
} |
286 |
} |
287 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
288 |
3 |
private void createUser(String login, String pwd)... |
289 |
{ |
290 |
3 |
createUser(login, pwd, "New", "User"); |
291 |
} |
292 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (11) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.09 |
293 |
4 |
private void createUser(String login, String pwd, String fname, String lname)... |
294 |
{ |
295 |
4 |
openUsersPage(); |
296 |
4 |
clickLinkWithText("Add new user", false); |
297 |
4 |
waitForElement("//input[@id='register_first_name']"); |
298 |
4 |
setFieldValue("register_first_name", fname); |
299 |
4 |
setFieldValue("register_last_name", lname); |
300 |
4 |
setFieldValue("xwikiname", login); |
301 |
4 |
setFieldValue("register_password", pwd); |
302 |
4 |
setFieldValue("register2_password", pwd); |
303 |
4 |
setFieldValue("register_email", "new.user@xwiki.org"); |
304 |
4 |
getSelenium().click("//input[@value='Save']"); |
305 |
306 |
4 |
waitForTextContains("id=userstable", login); |
307 |
} |
308 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (8) |
Complexity: 4 |
Complexity Density: 0.67 |
309 |
7 |
private void deleteUser(String login, boolean deleteOnlyIfExists)... |
310 |
{ |
311 |
7 |
if (!deleteOnlyIfExists || (deleteOnlyIfExists && isExistingPage("XWiki", login))) { |
312 |
3 |
openUsersPage(); |
313 |
3 |
clickLinkWithLocator("//tbody/tr[td/a='" + login + "']//img[@title='Delete']", false); |
314 |
3 |
waitForConfirmation(); |
315 |
3 |
assertEquals("The user XWiki." + login + " will be deleted and removed from all groups he belongs to. " |
316 |
+ "Are you sure you want to proceed?", getSelenium().getConfirmation()); |
317 |
318 |
3 |
waitForCondition("!selenium.isElementPresent('//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + login + "\"]')"); |
319 |
} |
320 |
} |
321 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (14) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.07 |
322 |
2 |
private void addUserToGroup(String user, String group)... |
323 |
{ |
324 |
2 |
openGroupsPage(); |
325 |
2 |
String xpath = "//tbody/tr[td/a='" + group + "']/td[3]/img[@title='Edit']"; |
326 |
2 |
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + xpath + "\")"); |
327 |
2 |
getSelenium().click(xpath); |
328 |
2 |
waitForLightbox("USERS TO ADD"); |
329 |
2 |
setFieldValue("userInput", "XWiki." + user); |
330 |
2 |
clickLinkWithLocator("addMembers", false); |
331 |
332 |
2 |
String xpathPrefix = "//div[@id='lb-content']/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr"; |
333 |
2 |
String newGroupMemberXPath = |
334 |
xpathPrefix + "/td[contains(@class, 'member')]/a[@href='/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/" + user + "']"; |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
2 |
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + newGroupMemberXPath + "\")"); |
339 |
340 |
341 |
2 |
clickLinkWithLocator("lb-close"); |
342 |
2 |
open("XWiki", group); |
343 |
2 |
waitForGroupUsersLiveTable(); |
344 |
2 |
assertTextPresent(user); |
345 |
} |
346 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
347 |
7 |
private void waitForLightbox(String lightboxName)... |
348 |
{ |
349 |
7 |
waitForBodyContains(lightboxName); |
350 |
} |
351 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
352 |
3 |
private void clickGroupsRadioButton()... |
353 |
{ |
354 |
3 |
clickLinkWithXPath("//input[@name='uorg' and @value='groups']", false); |
355 |
} |
356 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (2) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.5 |
357 |
1 |
private void openGlobalRightsPage()... |
358 |
{ |
359 |
1 |
openAdministrationPage(); |
360 |
1 |
clickLinkWithText("Rights"); |
361 |
} |
362 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (3) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.33 |
363 |
11 |
private void openGroupsPage()... |
364 |
{ |
365 |
11 |
openAdministrationPage(); |
366 |
11 |
clickLinkWithText("Groups"); |
367 |
11 |
waitForLiveTable("groupstable"); |
368 |
} |
369 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (3) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.33 |
370 |
7 |
private void openUsersPage()... |
371 |
{ |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
7 |
openAdministrationPage(); |
376 |
7 |
clickLinkWithText("Users"); |
377 |
7 |
waitForLiveTable("userstable"); |
378 |
} |
379 |
380 |
381 |
@return |
382 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
383 |
1 |
private int getGroupMembersCount(String groupname)... |
384 |
{ |
385 |
1 |
return Integer.parseInt(getSelenium().getText("//tbody/tr[td/a=\"" + groupname + "\"]/td[2]")); |
386 |
} |
387 |
388 |
389 |
@param |
390 |
391 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
392 |
3 |
private void clickViewRightsCheckbox(String groupOrUserName, String actionToVerify)... |
393 |
{ |
394 |
3 |
clickRightsCheckbox(groupOrUserName, actionToVerify, 2); |
395 |
} |
396 |
397 |
398 |
@param |
399 |
400 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
401 |
1 |
private void clickCommentRightsCheckbox(String groupOrUserName, String actionToVerify)... |
402 |
{ |
403 |
1 |
clickRightsCheckbox(groupOrUserName, actionToVerify, 3); |
404 |
} |
405 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (3) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 0.33 |
406 |
4 |
private void clickRightsCheckbox(String groupOrUserName, String actionToVerify, int positionInTd)... |
407 |
{ |
408 |
4 |
String xpath = "//tbody/tr[td/a='" + groupOrUserName + "']/td[" + positionInTd + "]/img"; |
409 |
4 |
clickLinkWithXPath(xpath, false); |
410 |
411 |
4 |
waitForCondition("selenium.isElementPresent(\"" + xpath + "[contains(@src, '" + actionToVerify + ".png')]\")"); |
412 |
} |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
| 100% |
Uncovered Elements: 0 (1) |
Complexity: 1 |
Complexity Density: 1 |
417 |
4 |
private void waitForGroupUsersLiveTable()... |
418 |
{ |
419 |
4 |
waitForLiveTable("groupusers"); |
420 |
} |
421 |
} |